The August Full Moon lands on Monday August 19th.
It will reach peak fullness at 2:26 p.m. ET.
It will be a rare Super Blue Moon, making it the perfect time to do a Full Moon Ritual with Moonstone.
This Full Moon is considered “Blue” because it’s the third Full Moon in a season that has four Full Moons.
It’s a special occurrence that brings with it powerful energy and symbolism.
Supermoons appear three to four times annually and always appear consecutively, according to NASA, which notes starting this month, the next three full moons will be supermoons
Blue Moons are a time when the universe aligns to bring about unique opportunities with moments that are fleeting yet filled with immense potential.
So seize the energy of this special Full Moon with a
Full Moon Crystal Ritual.
. Choose a Moonstone to represent the potency of this Full Moon in Aquarius.
The message is Believe in the impossible.
If your mind questions this message, place the stone on your 3rd eye to release any negative thoughts that prevent you from opening up to your full potential.
Allow the stone to clear out any lingering negativity. Whether it’s self-doubt, fear, or resentment, now is the time to consciously release these emotions.
Let go of any thoughts or patterns that have been holding you back from opening to new possibilities.
You may want to journal or create a crystal healing grid to focus on your intentions and dreams while holding the belief that anything is possible.
The Blue Moon is a time to have faith in your ability to achieve what may seem out of reach.
To purchase Moonstone click the link here
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