I’ve been enjoying and collecting crystals and gemstones for almost 30 years (a lot longer than that if you count my childhood fascination with rocks and minerals). Over these years I have come to know and accept that crystals and gemstones hold “energy.”
Some of this has been from my own discovery with stones and some of this has come from reading the work of others. What I offer here is a combination of the information I have come to know about the spiritual properties of crystals and gemstones. I invite you to read these informational pages I have gathered for you but I also invite you to listen to the stones themselves and discover the answers and information for yourself.
Perhaps you may want to come to know a stone before you read my descriptions of the properties of the stones. You may start by holding the stone in your hand, close you eyes. Feel your feet touching the ground. Begin to relax, take in a few deep breathes. Now let your thinking mind drift away, becoming only aware of the stone in your hand. Ask the stone to reveal its energy properties to you. Now listen deeply to what comes.
Sometimes it comes with words, images, sensations or thoughts. Keep listening. What truly matters is you own connection to the stone. How does the stone feel to you?
May you enjoy your discovery into the mineral kingdom.
Thanks and Crystal Blessings,
Amazonite – Is a Goddess Stone. It offers us a place of quiet compassion. It encourages us to release self judgment and connect to our own power with joy and confidence. It is an empowering stone and can provide inner fulfillment when we recognize the power we hold within.
Amber – Amber is actually fossilized botanical resin, (mostly tree sap) Amber helps us connect to the Light. It brings us warm, nurturing energy. Amber is very solar connected and can bring a sense of warmth, health and well-being. It carries a vibration of life force and helps us bring more of that energy into all levels or our being. It is a stone for courage and confidence.
Angelite(Blue Andydrite): Angelite as it name implies, is an angel stone. Angelite sends out a vibration of serenity, tranquility and peace. Angelite is like a warm hug from the angelic realm. Angelite can add comfort in times of great stress.
Amethyst – A stone of spirituality and intuition. Can assist one in listening to the inner voice. A stone for spiritual protection and purification. Useful for meditation and gaining insight. Can aid in over indulgence and addictions. .
Apache Tears – Apache Tears is a variety of Obsidian. Used for grounding and protection from negative energies. Assists in soothing the emotions associated with grief and loss.
Apophyllite ( clear) is known as an inter-dimensional stone, ideal for tapping into the spiritual vibrations and higher energies. Apophyllite is used to contact the angelic realm, guardian angels, and spirit guides. A useful tool for developing psychic abilities and channeling. Apophyllite can assist in bringing clarity to any situation and offers renewed vision to those that have become discouraged.
Aquamarine is believed to be a treasure of the mermaids. Its luminous blue /green color offers a cooling, calming yet alert energy. Aquamarine is a stone for clearing and activating the throat chakra. It assists one in speaking their truth. Aquamarine helps in balancing anger into expression. It is helpful for hot flashes. Aquamarine is used by those traveling on the water as a stone of protection and safety.
Atlantisite is a combination of Serpentine & Stichite found in Australia. It’s a beautiful yellowish green stone ( the Serpentine) mixed with deep rich purple (the Stichite). This is a wonderful combination of energies to link the heart chakra with the 3rd eye chakra, allowing you to connect to your heart and listen to your inner intuition. It is a powerful tool for opening the way to spirit. It can strengthen feelings of love, compassion and caring for the suffering of others. Atlantisite can assist us in connecting to the mind and heart of Mother Nature. It is a powerful stone for Earth Healers and those who focus their energies on helping the planet through its current transformations.
Astrophyllite is a RARE stone from Russia It helps with astral travels, allowing us to see ourselves from the outside. It helps us to understand there are no limits on ourselves except those that are self imposed. Astrophyllite helps us know our life’s purpose, especially if we are willing to meditate with it. Astrophyllite helps to show us that when one door closes another door opens. It helps us release what must be purged from our lives so that we may move forward, develop and grow.
Aventurine – Holds a bright optimistic energy. Aventurine reminds us to lighten up or go take a walk in nature when we get too serious about life. It is a happy go lucky stone. Aventurine can assists us in attaining our desires and manifestations. It is a prosperity stone. A soothing heart chakra stone as well as a true healer for physical and emotional ailments.
Azeztulite is called the Stone of the Nameless Light. Azeztulite is an energetically unusual and rare type of Quartz, found only in Vermont and North Carolina in the USA. Azeztulites are usually white or colorless and do not form in prismatic points. The name Azeztulite is derived from Azez, the name given for a group-soul angelic entity originally contacted by Naisha Ahsian. The Azez have stated through her that they have re-engineered the stone Azeztulite to carry the currents of the Nameless Light of the Great Central Sun, the spiritual core of the Universe, which they serve. The purpose of the appearance of the Azez at this time and the awakening of the stone Azeztulite is the re-alignment of the vibrational patterns of the human species and the Earth to the higher frequencies embodied in Azeztulite. The Azez have said that Azeztulite is the very physical form of the Azez themselves.
Azeztulite’s vibrations are intended to be received on all levels of our being, from the etheric body throughout the physical organs, and into our cellular structure. The reconfiguration of our structure which Azeztulite is destined to facilitate is said to be capable of dissolving the habit patterns of degeneration and disease, as well as awakening higher spiritual awareness. The tingling sensation many people feel after and while holding Azeztulite signifies the reverent response of our physical and etheric bodies to the current of the Nameless Light. The potential of Azeztulite is world awakening. Through it, we have the opportunity to become conduits of the Nameless Light currents, and through our opening the Soul of the World can came into full awareness. (Azeztulite is the trademark of Heaven and Earth LLC and is copyright protected.)
Azurite – Enhances creative ability and removes blockages to self expression. One of the throat chakra stones. It will assist in opening intuition and insight allowing you to hear your inner voice.
Black Onyx – An excellent stone for centering and grounding, as it can help bring one back to their center when thrown off balance by others negative energies or stressful situations. It reminds us to walk in balance.
Black Tourmaline – Is a powerful protection stones as it can both repel and protect against negativity. It acts to protect one from being victimized by the negative energy of another. It can also deflect negative energy turning it back to where it has come from. This stone is wonderful for giving support to any situation in life. When you need to feel supported in your life, choose Black Tourmaline.
Bloodstone– a form of Chalcedony, is known as the “Healing Stone” It acts to purify the body of toxins and disease. Bloodstone increases vitality, endurance and strength. When wearing bloodstone one may find a zest for living. It can help one to maintain faith and trust in the Divine
Blue Apatite – Apatite has a cleansing influence on the auric field, especially in the mental body. It can stimulate the visionary states. It is helpful in dreamwork. It can bring inspiration, revealing a sense of “Aha”. It is also know to suppress hunger..
Blue Lace Agate – Offers a soothing gentle energy which allows us to gently express what needs to be expressed. It can provide inspiration so that we know how to express ourselves in appropriate and kind ways. Having difficulty expressing yourself? Let Blue Lace Agate assist you with its peaceful ways as it offers a calm stillness in which to gather your thoughts.|
Blue Opal – Blue Opal, found in the Andean Mountains of Peru, promotes a calm and centered mind. It can facilitate contemplative prayer and meditation by calming the mind of its endless thoughts. Blue Opal can assist one who cannot sleep due to a restless mind, allowing for a more peaceful sleep.
Brookite holds a high vibration and is known as a power stone for expansion of awareness. Brookite helps us to reach higher states of consciousness and is very useful in meditation. Try holding it up to your 3rd eye to deepen meditation. Brookite is known as an ascension stone, yet it has a grounding quality that allows us to bring light energy into our bodies.
Bumble Bee Jasper is composed of Sulfur and other traces minerals. This stone balances the 2nd and 3rd chakras. Bumble Bee Jasper energizes and stimulates create desire and dreams. It frees blockages and opens up creative pathways. Bumble Bee Jasper can help in overcoming obstacles.
Calcite– is a refreshing, revitalizing energy. It opens blockages and activates the energy centers. Calcite helps us move past limitations and obstacles as it brings clarity and restores flowing energy to any circumstance or situation. Calcite offers a gently yet effective energy for healing. When life feels stale and stagnant reach for the soothing, cooling vibration of Calcite. It is a manifestation stone.
Cobalto Calcite- is a stone of unconditional love and forgiveness. Its vibration soothes the heart of emotional wounds, heart break, loneliness, grief, sadness. It offers compassion, support and hope. It brings harmony and balance and restores joy.
Carnelian – Carnelian is a stone of power , confidence and passion. It assists in finding and fulfilling passions and desires. It can help bring vitality and energy to any action or situation requiring action.
Celestite is an Angel Stone assisting in communication with the angelic realms and spirit guides. Celestitie elevates one’s mood and brings a sense of inspiration to any project or activity. Celestites live up to their name. There is a powerful sense of the heavens when holding a Celestite. Celestites are ideal to use in meditation and can balance the 3rd eye and crown chakras. Celestite can bring about a sense of calm and safety.
Chalcedony, Blue Chalcedony-useful at times when stresses mount and one’s center begins to wobble. It can bring about calm and balance as it beams out its serene vibration in ways that soothe the whole being.
Chrome Diopside is a heart healing stone supporting compassion and forgiveness for ourselves and others. It helps release feelings of overwhelm and overburden by reminding us to lighten up and let go. It is helpful for grief and loss. It is also helpful for those who are studying or need to focus on analytical, mathematical and intellectual pursuits. Chrome Diopside is good for the memory.
Charoite – Provides and easy-going-ness, allowing one to drop all fears and worry, as if “by magic”. It can bring insights as it increases intuition. Charoite is filled with silvery wings of angels. It can be a reminder of the angels in form. It is a stone that allows you to be more aware of the everyday messages the angels are communicating to you.
Chrysocolla – Teaches unconditional love. A nurturing heart chakra stone. It is used as a stone for Earth healings. It can link us to the Earth’s energies. In some traditions this stone represents Mother Earth. It reminds us to treasure the Earth, physically and spiritually.
Chrysoprase is a stone of the heart. This stone can bring a strong connection to nature spirits, devas, and Earth Elementals. It carries the vibration of growth and re-growth. It helps to expand the heart energy and reminds us of our connection to Mother Earth. It’s a stone of forgiveness and courage.
Citrine– Citrine is known as an abundance and prosperity stone. Place one in your wallet, cash box or wherever you keep your money. Citrine stimulates our creative energy, our will and increases our ability to bring energy into form. A stone to help manifest our dreams. Its sunny energy assists in bringing clarity to any situation.
Coral, Red Coral– Helps one to feel in harmony with the natural forces of the universe and to feel connected to nature and the Great Creator. It is also known to help with depression and feelings of loss and uncertainty. It is energizing.
Coralcalcite is a combination of coral and calcite. Coralcalcite can assist in enhancing the level of vibration and harmony of the entire body, enabling us to become more crystalline. It stimulates the solar plexus Chakra, our place of will, aiding in focusing attention and intention so that we can accomplish our goals. A good stone for anything to do with the bones, teeth, cartilage, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Coralcalcite is a blending of organic life, the coral, and the mineral kingdom, the calcite.
Covellite acts as a bridge to the physical reality, earth energies with the higher dimensions and realms of energy. It allows one to travel deep into the inner consciousness of awareness where sometimes we have buried emotions and traumas. It helps us to release these patterns. An excellent stone to use to gain information on past lives and identify karmic patterns. Covellite is a stone to promote psychic abilities and inner vision.
Creedite – Creedite is a rare mineral from Mexico. It can assist in the expansion of awareness and feelings of up liftment. It can assist in meditation, helping to release any blockages in the upper chakras. Creedite is a stone of the Light and can help one manifest that light in one’s everyday life. Creedite will assist in bringing into form that which comes from the deep awareness that it also brings forth.
Danburite carries the high sweet frequency of angelic communication and celebration of the Divine Source. A useful stone when calling in the angels for guidance and counsel. By clearing and opening the crown chakra it allows one to move in consciousness into the angelic domain. It can facilitate communication with all spirit entities. It can soothe the heart and sends it a message that ” all is well”. It carries a frequency that is similar to the Reiki frequency.
Diopside – Diopside facilitates communication with Earth Mother as it teaches the lesson of integrating human spirit with the living planet. Diopside is a heart chakra stone, enhancing one’s ability to give love to oneself and others. It holds feminine energy and is useful for women in all stages of life.
Dravite (Brown Tourmaline) draws one’s most deeply hidden patterns and issues to the surface, allowing one to calmly review and clear them It aids in seeing the aspects of self one has hidden from oneself out of fear or denial. A wonderful stone for self acceptance. Dravite can help one move through the stages of grief.
Dumortierite can help us to realize and understand that reality is illusion and illusion is real. The message Dumortierite offers is another perspective and way of looking at the world. Dumortierite is also helpful with patience as it helps to increase patience. Dumortierite can offer help for those who want to increase their psychic awareness as it opens and stimulates the 3rd eye and the pineal gland.
Epidote is helpful in releasing negativity, hopelessness and feelings of doom by offering a positive vibration of hope. Epidote teaches us to raise our vibration, our thoughts, words and actions to a more positive optimistic view. Epidote is excellent for physical healing as it aides in dissolving blockages, tumors and cysts
Fluorite – The “Cool, Calm, Collected ” Stone. This stone can help one to remain calm in stressful situations. Flourite is cooling to the touch and can help cool down anger or heated emotions. Flourite is a stone to keep near the computer. It will help protect from electromagnetic rays and protect the computer from viruses. Fluorite comes in many colors which add to its properties.
Fuchsite – Can act as an energy shield providing protection from any harmful vibrations as it redirects energy outward. Assist in looking at the deeper levels of consciousness as well as the outer multi-dimensions. Useful to help ground one while channeling or astral traveling. It Grounds you while it allows you to reach for the stars.
Garnet-Is known as a feminine energy stone. It stimulates the root chakra and the heart, allowing for manifestation of one’s heartfelt desires in the world. Garnet assists one in maintaining a sense of calm and grounded connection to the present moment. It is a stone of physical love and the relationship between loving partners. It is an excellent stone to attract or invigorate a love relationship. It is a stone which brings support and balance. Garnet’s message is to trust in the infinite abundance of the universe.
Green African Garnet (Grossular) is a prosperity stone. It teaches us of the many facets of abundance on all levels. Wonderful for encouraging prosperity and overcoming scarcity, lack and limitations. Its loving energy helps us to overcome scarcity by reinforcing the loving vibration of the Earth. It helps one to perceive true abundance in one’s life and to celebrate that abundance with joy. It assists the body in regeneration and is an excellent stone to use during and after surgery.
Healer’s Gold: a combination of Pyrite and Magnetite. It allows one to connect with the energy of the Earth and channel that energy through the body. It can bring more life force into the body and balance one’s energetic field. It allows those who do healing work on others to do so without depleting their own energies. And it can also enhance the well being of their clients. It enhances one’s stamina, patience, persistence and over all positive outlook on life.
Hematite – Is know as a grounding stone. It also is a stone to calm the mind. It can help one to sort things out and calm racing mind thoughts. It helps with memory retention and is useful while studying. It also assists in dissolving negativity as it can transform the negative to a more pure state of love.
Hemimorphite – It assists one in self transformation as it encourages ego less-ness. It allows one to take responsibility for the happiness or unhappiness in life bringing the awareness that we create our own reality. It will than assist one to create the reality one desires.
Herkimer Diamond (Quartz)-Herkimers are a wonderful stone to use for dreams and visions. They emanate a bright light, helping to purify one’s energy field. They are ideal for body layouts and healings. Herkimers can be used to to create energy grids and vortexes They can purify and cleanse energy.
Hiddenite is a delicate green heart Chakra stone. Its energy reminds us to keep our tender hearts open to each other. Hiddenite is a useful stone for all types of relationships, lovers, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc. Hiddenite’s message is – all hearts beat to the same drum.
Infinite-A form of Serpentine from Africa. It is known as the Healer’s Stone. It is a stone of gentle, loving angelic energy that draws out any negative manifestations in our bodies. Infinite’s vibration can replenish the etheric body and fill any holes in the aura. It is helpful for those who feel frazzled or energetically drained. Use when entering into a difficult situation where negativity surrounds.
Iolite – A stone of visionary art and creative expression of spiritual ideas. It will activate the creative side of the mind to allow one to access ideas and thoughts beyond this dimension. Iolite is a wonderful stone for Shamanic Journeying. It will assist with inner vision and accessing information held deep within the psyche. Iolite is a useful stone for astrologers, tarot readers, and other intuitive channels in inner information.
Jade, Green Jade-is prized for its healing properties and over all feelings of well being. In China Jade has been highly esteemed and known to bring good luck, prosperity and abundance. Jade represents harmony and happiness in business and family. It can help one to feel connected to the earth and nature. Jade reminds us to stop and smell the flowers, touch someone you love and share your abundant heart with others.
Jet – Jet is a stone of purification and protection. It is able to absorb negativity and neutralize it. Jet is useful for protection against the misuse of power. It can help to clear the body of impurities by filtering them out much the same way that charcoal filters out and clears impurities from water. Jet is a wonderful grounding stone.
Kyanite – Kyanite forms in blades which is perfect for cutting through negativity and emotional blockages. It opens the throat chakra encouraging self expression and communication. It is one of the stones which never needs cleansing as it does not accumulate negative energy.
Kunzite- Opens the heart to the energies of love, self love, love between others, love for humanity, animals, plants, minerals and to all that is. Kunzite prepares the heart to receive love. Kunzite opens the pathways to Divine Love. Kunzite is the perfect stone to give as a gift. Kunzite offers a beautiful energy of joy and celebration as its opens the heart to love and joy. Kunzite is a powerful healer of the heart.
Larimar– is sometimes called the stone of the Caribbean because of where it is found and also for its blue color. It is a most soothing and serene stone, able to calm and relax the emotions. It can bring peace and calm to any situation. It supports a state of well being and reminds us that all is well. It is useful for the throat chakra, providing the power of clear communication. Also known as a Goddess Stone. It is useful for hot flashes, as it can bring a cooling, calm feeling.
Lapis Lazuli -A power stone giving the wearer insights into the deeper mysteries of life. It carries the vibration of Kings and Queens. It is a stone for spiritual seekers, stimulating one’s desire for knowledge and understanding. It can assist in learning and enhancing memory. It is known for activating the higher mind and psychic abilities. Lapis assists in creative endeavors, helping to release creative blocks as it opens consciousness and widens perspectives.
Lepidolite – A most effective stone for calming frayed nerves, helping one to release stress and worry. It can dispel negative thoughts and remove emotional attachments such as resentment and envy. Lepidolite is a stone of spiritual purification and meditation. It can clear blocked energies in any of the chakras and throughout the meridian system. Taking a bath with Lepidolite is a wonderful way to receive its calming and tension releasing properties.
Libyan Gold Glass Tektite is found in the Sahara Desert in Libya and Egypt. These stones were found in ancient Egypt as carvings and jewelry. Libyan Glass are powerful stones for building confidence and manifestation work. It empowers the 3rd Chakra of Will. It can assist one to overcome fears of inadequacy. Libyan Gold Glass stimulates a feeling of happiness, curiosity, willingness and playfulness. It can help gain access to Akashic records and ancient knowledge connected to Ancient Aliens.
Lithium Quartz – The Quartz amplifies the vibration of the lithium held within. It has a soothing energy and is able to alleviate stress and stress related imbalance. It can calm frayed nerves, allowing one to relax and become centered. Lithium Quartz can support those who use antidepressants and other drugs for mental wellness. The vibration of this stone is one of profound healing, emotional peace, release from tension and awakening of the Higher Self.
Lodestones (Magnetite Crystals) Has magnetic properties as it can attract and repel energy. Useful as magnetic therapy. It can attract that which is desired. It aides telepathy, meditation and visualizations. It is useful in Earth healings as it connects with the polarities of the Earth.
Malachite – Called a stone of transformation as it can assist in changing and transforming situations. Useful for any kind of change in life. It can assist in bringing about changes. It may equalize and balance energy.
Magnetite Crystals (Lodestones) – Has magnetic properties as it can attract and repel energy. Useful as magnetic therapy. It can attract that which is desired. It aides telepathy, meditation and visualizations. It is useful in Earth healings as it connects with the polarities of the Earth.
Moldavite – Is a tektite found in the Czech Republic. It is often called “the stone that fell from the sky”. Moldavite’s vibration is high and intense. It has the ability to accelerate spiritual evolution and can bring about transformations. It can assist one to fully awaken to their highest destiny. Moldavite is a powerful tool for meditation and dreamwork. It activates and clears the entire chakra system.
Moldavite- Out of all the different gemstones I have worked with over the past 20 years, Moldavite is the one that has shown me the most dramatic responses from those who hold it. It is truly a high vibrational gemstone. Some people have to accustom themselves to the energies of Moldavite, gradually wearing the gemstone. Moldavite is a tektite found in the Czech Republic. It is a gemstone for transformation on all levels. It can be seen as a catalyst for shifts in one’s life, physical, emotional, or spiritual. It can open all the chakras allowing for powerful activations. Moldavite is a stone that can help move you forward on your spiritual path to awakening. It is often called “the stone that fell from the sky”. It can assist one to fully awaken to their highest destiny. Moldavite is a powerful tool for meditation and dreamwork. It activates and clears the entire chakra system.
Moonstone – Moonstone is associated with the feminine and is called “The Goddess Stone”. It can enhance the intuitive side of the mind. Moonstone has been used to connect with the energy and power of the moon. The vibration of Moonstone encourages us to pay attention to the cycles of our lives and to see our lives as a spiral, moving forward in the cosmic energy we call life.
Morganite- Morganite represents Divine love and compassion. Morganite opens the heart to the awareness of Divine Love, that natural resides in all of us. It reminds us of the abundance of the heart as it allows us to release all wounds of the heart, heart aches and heart breaks. Wisdom comes from the heart and Morganite assists us in touching this wisdom through forgiveness and compassion. Morganite is bright and luminous in its vibration, casting a love energy to all who hold it or wear it. It is associated with the Angelic Realm.
Nirvana Quartz ( Ice Quartz)-Recently discovered, Nirvana Quartz is found in the Himalayan mountains at altitudes over 18,000 ft. where glaciers are receding due to global warming. The areas that have melted are now exposing these crystals. Nirvana Quartz has a mission to attune us to the not yet formed potential of what we can be. They be conduits for profound inner illuminations and awakening. Nirvana Quartz can bring the mediator into a deep peace and interior silence, assisting to stop the mental chatter. This stone can assist in achieving one’s destiny.
Nuummite: An ancient stone ( 3 billion years old) is found only in Greenland. It helps one to travel deep to the core of the self. It will help one to release trapped emotions and energies in the subconscious. Nuummite is a stone of personal “magic”. It will help one to understand synchronicities in life. It will show one “ good luck”.
Obsidian– Obsidian is a glassy, volcanic stone. It eliminates negative energies in ones self and one’s environment. It is a strong grounding stone, assisting us in connecting with the Earth energies. It offers a protective energy and can help us to remove negative thoughts and mental habits so a more positive action can be taken.
Peridot – Peridot’s vibration can bring an inner sense of warmth and well being, like sunshine on a spring day. Peridot can help one receive abundance on all levels of ones life. It can help to remove blockages to receiving. Its message is, ” be open to receive”
Birthstone for August.
Petalite can take one to a dimension of rest and healing, a space in which the worries and concerns of this world are released, allowing one to bathe in the quiet bliss of the unencumbered spirit. Petalite is a stone of vision. Petalite can open the inner eye to the higher dimensions, psychic powers, clairvoyance and telepathy. Petalite is useful for quieting the mind during mediation.
Petrified Wood is fossilized or agatized wood. Petrified Wood is a stone of patience and slow steady growth. It can ssists with past life recall. It is a stone of stability and grounding and can be used to strengthen the body and provide stability to bones and the spine.
Phenacite is a powerful, high vibrational stone that can activate the 3rd eye and crown Chakra. A beneficial stone for Light Body Activation. Phenacite can cleans the aura and balance all the Chakras. It assists in communication with Angels, and other entities of the higher dimensions. Phenachite allows one to open to inner visions and access higher states of awareness. A great stone to meditate with as it provides a doorway to expanded spiritual understanding.
Pieteriste provides insight, intuition and increased power of will. Balances both the 3rd and 6th Chakras. It enables one to see into the nature of situations that can lead to decisive actions leading to positive outcomes. Assists in bringing to manifestation our hopes and desires.
Pink Amethyst, is all about flow. Pink Amethyst reminds us to choose ease and flow rather than struggle and resistance. This stone invites us to take a look at our lives, to notice where we are living in resistance and come from our hearts to see how we can move into flow. Sometimes this will mean letting something or someone go in order to move forward. This stone will give us the courage to move past the emotional wounds or blocks that keep us from living from our Divine Selves. It helps to restore joy, peace and freedom.
Pink Opal – This is a lovely stone for healing the emotions, especially thoses connected with subconsciously held pain. It can bring peace to those who have excessive fear, worry or anxiousness. It can relieve stress, allowing one to be more centered and calm.
Pink Tourmaline a heart chakra stone, represents the feminine and yin energies. Pink Tourmaline holds a soft soothing energy that brings a feeling of comfort, safety and nurturing. Pink Tourmaline supports emotional healing. Contains lithium.
Pyrite: Is a grounding stone. It enhances will power and assists in manifestation, bringing a “ can do” attitude eliminating fear and worry focusing on the positive. Holding a pyrite in each hand can bring instant rebalancing and a refreshing burst of energy and confidence. A useful stone when needing to “get things done” in the material world of errands and chores. Also known as fools gold.
Quartz – Clear Quartz is an energy amplifier. It magnifies energy. It can be programmed to hold intention and assist in the manifestation of the focused intent. A powerful meditation tool. Useful as a dream stone, assisting in remembering and interpreting dreams.
Red Jasper– Red Jasper can strengthen one’s endurance and stamina as it strengthens one’s connection to the earth. Red Jasper has a “down to earth” quality as its energy is stabilizing and grounding. Red Jasper awakens and strengthens life force energy.
Rhodocrosite is known as a Gratitude Stone. Offering feelings of peace, love & joy. It is a powerful heart healing stone. Rhodochrosite aids in healing emotional wounds, especially if there has been past trauma surrounding love issues. It assists one in expressing love and affection. It can help one find the courage to pursue ones dreams. It helps to reawaken the heart and relieve painful emotional memories. It can bring out the child nature.
Rhodonite– is one of the heart chakra stones. It promotes the energy of love. Rhodonite aides us in finding our talents and purpose. It can show us how to use our talents for the highest good of all. It is a stone of self worth and can aids us to value our unique gifts and abilities.
Rose Quartz – Known as the Stone of Love. It is a stone for the heart as it opens the Heart Chakra. It teaches us about love on all levels, self love, romantic love, love for all humankind. It can help draw in new love or relationships. It can strengthen a bond that already exits. It encourages self forgiveness. It can help to heal a “broken heart.”
Rubellite (Red Tourmaline) – Rubellite vibrates a deep resonance with the heart chakra. Rubellite benefits the emotional heart as well as any ailments of the heart. It allows one to draw upon universal love energies when one is working to heal emotional wounds. It reminds one that “heartbreak” can mean “heart opening” and that grief can be as valuable as joy.
Ruby: A powerful tool for bringing vitality and life force into one’s being. Ruby vibrates with enthusiasm for life. It is energizing. Ruby is a stone of courage assisting one in moving forward in the face of fear, it assist with doubts and anxiety. Ruby encourages one to step forward in life.
Scolecite-a stone of inner peace, relaxation, tranqulity. Scolecite is an uplifting stone ideal for healing sessions and meditation. Scolecite is a good choice for the dreamtime and for restful sleep. It is used for journeying and inter-dimensional work.
Selenite – Selenite is a clear form of gypsum. Selenite can have a very intense energy and it is useful in conducting energy. It can clear blocked energy making it very helpful for opening blocked chakras. Selenite wands are very powerful healing tools and work well with the energies of other stones. Like quartz it can amplify energy and actually cleanse other stones. It does not need to be cleansed or recharged. Selenite can lift one’s awareness to higher planes of consciousness. It facilitates the ability to receive information from spirit guides and angels. Selenite is used for building energy grids and creating energy vortexes.
Seraphinite – Named after the Angel Seraphin. It is a light filled stone, used to connect to the Angelic Realm. Its soft light vibration assists in healing the physical, emotional and spiritual. Fly on the wings of Angels.
Serpentine is a great stone to use to awaken the Kundalini energies, the “serpent power” in a safe and balanced way. Serpentine can clear block meridian points allowing for healthy energy to flow through the body. Serpentine has a strong connection to nature, fairies, devas and plants.
Spessartine Garnet on Smokey Quartz
Spessartine Garnet is a powerful stone of attraction and manifestation. Spessartine stimulates all aspects of creativity. Smokey Quartz is a grounding stone and offers protection from negativity. Smokey Quartz has a way of drawing dreams and visions into manifestation. It assists in seeing UFOs, fairies and spirit guides.
Shaman Stone – Shaman Stone is also know as Moqui Marble, found on the north rim of the Grand Canyon I Southern Utah. Shaman Stones are excellent tools and talismans for those involved in Shamanic work, journeying, rebirthing, breath work, soul retrieval or any other form of transformation and inner work. Holding a Shaman Stone in meditation can assist one in establishing communication with power animals or guides.
Shamanite discovered in 2005 is said to be over 540 million years old. It contains trace minerals & micro -fossils. Shamanite is believed to be used by Native Americans for centuries for ceremonial objects. Shamanite has been mistaken for Jet. It color ranges inky black to smoky taupe. Shamainte is sometimes called “Toho” mountain lion by tribal healers and artists. Shamanite can be useful for initiating shamanic journeys as it helps to connect to spiritual guides and power animals. It is a stone of the ancestors aiding in communication with those who have passed. It is a stone of soul retrieval. Shamanite offers spiritual protection.
Shiva Lingam: Egg shape stones originate at the Narmada River in western India, one of India’s seven holy sites. Villagers gather the rough stones from the shallow river and hand polish them to the elliptical shape. Within its form, the Shiva Lingam symbolizes both the female and male energies as well as the comic egg out of which all creation is said to have emerged. The shape of the Shiva Lingam represents the male aspect of creation and the markings on the stone represent the female aspects. Shiva Lingams are emblems of inner transformation, with an ability to break up patterns of self limiting habits and beliefs. Like Shiva, they destroy what is old and corrupt to clear the way for rebirth.
Shungite is the only known stone to contain Fullerenes, a newly discovered form of carbon. Carbon is the basis of all life on Earth. Fullerenes is what gives Shungite its healing power. Shungite is known to relieve pain and inflammation. Shungite acts as a shield from harmful electromagnetic rays from cell phones, computers and miro waves. Its healing effects can be felt on all levels, physical, emotional and spiritual.
Smithsonite – Emits a soft, gentle and pleasant vibration. It offers tranquility, calm and kindness. It can gently dissolve emotional pains and encourages emotional release and healing. It can be an aide during childbirth and rebirthing.
Snowflake Obsidian– enables one to “make the best of a bad s situation” by clearing negative and self-defeating thoughts and inspiring one with new ideas that can improve one’s condition, whatever it may be. Snowflake Obsidian grounds one’s thinking, eliminating energy draining fantasy. At the same time it increases one’s psychic sensitivity, making one more able to notice the meaningful synchronicities that can point the way to one’s higher path.
Snowflake is very balancing, bringing in the light to our dark spaces. Grounding us so we can move beyond our limited selves, into pure awakening. Feel your feet on the ground while you reach for the stars.
Smokey Quartz is a wonderful grounding stone assisting us when we feel spacy or can’t focus and helps us bring clarity to our situations. It can help us bring our dreams and inspired ideas into physical reality. Smokey Quartz can clear and cleanse other stones and our environment, acting like a sage bundle clearing and purifying the energy around us. It can be used to counter excess electromagnetic fields, protecting us from harmful frequencies.
Sodalite – Sodalite offers a gentle soothing quality which can increase insight, intuition and mental abilities. It is useful as a stone for creative expression, assisting in finding one’s creative voice.
Sodalite invites us to take a journey into self discovery while holding our hand, helping us to uncover our motives, intentions, strengths and weakness, while encouraging us to express and communicate the discoveries from within.
Sunset Sodalite is a striking mix of Blue Sodalite and Orange Oligoclase Feldspar also known as Sunstone. The blending of these two minerals offers us insight into the deepest parts of ourselves and connects us to our intuition and mental abilities while helping us to connect to the source of our creativity. A great stone for writers and artists as it assists in finding one’s creative expression.
Sugilite– emanates the pure vibration of the Violet Ray of purification and spiritual protection. Its energies assist one in becoming a “beacon of light” here on Earth by opening the crown chakra and grounding the light energies to the Earth. Sugilite helps one believe in life’s possibilities. It helps one envision something other than what is currently being experienced, offering hope and optimism for a better future. Sugilite can aid in repelling negativity and in filling one’s aura with high-frequency Light.
Super Seven, a combination of 7 minerals, Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Goethite, Lepicocrocite, Clear Quartz, Rutile, Smokey Quartz. Assists in seeing auras,clairvoyance powers, telepathy, and channeling. Used by earth healers in healing ceremonies for Mother Earth. Raises conscious awareness of the brotherhood of humanity. Assists in helping to change one’s thinking, to embrace peace, harmony & love.
Spirit Quartz, Cactus Quartz – This stone can be used in meditation as it will provide insights. It can facilitate connections between family members, friends and communities. Useful in meditation circles, classes and groups to unite and align energy. The structure of this stone has the ability to move energy in many directions and is useful for energy magnification. A good choice as a manifestation stone.
Stibnite- This stone forms from deposits from hot mineral springs. Found in China. Stibnite is associated with Pluto, both the planet and the god. Stibnite emanates the energy of transformation, death, rebirth, new perspectives, great wealth and power. For those who are clear on what they want and hold a strong focus, Stibnite can help bring the manifestation of the desire. It can assist one in making changes in life. Stibnite is useful for moving energy through the body. It aids in integrating energy and in shifting genetic patterns to reflect one’s spiritual evolution.
Sunstone- Naturally vibrates to the Solar Rays of the Sun. Sunstone represents leadership and the ability to utilize knowledge and wisdom for the highest good of all. A useful stone to use in meditation to help in realizing the highest path of any action or situation. Sunstone is a stone of prosperity, assisting in manifestation on all levels, including knowledge and wisdom by helping to align the mind’s inspirations with the heart’s wisdom.
Tanzanite aligns the heart and mind allowing for a more balanced spiritual experience to occur. Tanzanite can help to calm an over active mind and bring a peaceful calm to racing thoughts and mind chatter. It is a stone that can accelerate spiritual evolution and raise ones energy vibration.
Tiger Eye – A stone which resonates with the Earth Energies. A grounding stone that can help bring stability to the wearer. A useful stone for those seeking clarity around unresolved issues or decisions. It resonates with the solar plexus chakra ( 3rd Chakra).
Turquoise – A beautiful gift from Mother Earth, Turquoise brings the blue of Father Sky to the Earth, blending together the energies of the heavens with the energies of the Earth. It is a healer of the spirit, providing a soothing energy which can bring peace and calm to the wearer. It is used by Native Americans as a protection stone.
Vanadinite – Vanadinite helps sustain one’s energy through creative or work endeavors, enabling one to be more productive and more energetic. Vanadinite assists in obtaining goals and pursuits. Vanadinite can provide both stamina and grounding. It is also useful as support for menopause as it helps to counter decreased production of certain hormones.Need energy, think of Vanadinite.
Vivianite: Vivianite can be seen as a stone for entering and remaining in a state of compassion. Vivianite can re-inspire those in the helping professions who suffer from exhaustion and “burnout” Through its kindling of the heart, Vivianite can remind one of the love that dwells behind all things. Vivianite is a rare stone that offers peace, love and compassion.
Zincite – Zincite is an energy activator. It can increase ones overall level of energy and vitality. It can increase life force, courage, passion, creativity and will power. Zincite can focus energy and assist in manifesting wishes and desires.