Auralite 23 has been on my gem radar for about 4 years now, coming to us from the Boreal Forest of Northern Canada. These crystals boast 23 different minerals all coming together to form interesting shape crystals, resembling Amethyst.
In fact Amethyst is a major contributor of energy in these stones. Auralite 23 stimulates and awakens spiritual connection while grounding that connection throughout the body. It’s a most harmonious stone, offering balance. It works well with all other stones.
I started buying Auralite 23 about 3 years, but it wasn’t until this year’s gem buying trip in Tucson that I was able to connect with the mine owner of Auralite 23. Auralite Canada is owned and operated by Howard Pilsmaker. Howard has been the sole owner for 25 years, having mined most of it by hand.
Howard had the stone analyzed. Scientists have identified 23 earth elements and minerals. The average crystal contains at least 17 of the following: Titanite, Cacoxenite, Lepidocrosite, Ajoite, Hematite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Geothite, Pyrolusite, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Nickel, Copper, Iron, Limonite, Shpalerite, Covellite, Chalcopyrite, Gilalite, Epidote, Bronite, and Rutile.
Auralite can be applied to any area of the body in order to rebalance and heal. It reminds the body on a cellular level of its proper vital function. It is known as a stone of regeneration and rejuvenation. On an emotional level Auralite 23 provides a vibration of peace and can clear emotional blockages and struggles. It helps with anxiety, resentments, judgements, depression and defeat. It stimulates higher awareness and connections with guides and guardian spirits. It is useful for deepening meditation.
Howard and the staff at the Auralite Canada mine are offering tours this summer to dig these amazing crystals.
I hope to go and collect some of these amazing crystals and offer crystal workshops and sound healing at the mine. Let’s gather together this year on the sacred land, deep within the natural Boreal Forest of Canada, the only place where these magical stones are found. For more information on this retreat please email me at
To purchase Auralite 23 Click Here