As part of my Crystal Awareness classes I discuss the many ways to energetically cleanse crystals and gemstones. Here are the methods I use to clear crystals, along with some of the most often asked questions about this subject.
Why do we need to cleanse our crystals and gemstones?
Crystals and gemstones attract, magnify and hold energy. We want to cleanse them of any unwanted energy. Energetically cleansing crystals removes any negative energy that the stone may have picked up and returns the crystal to its pure state.
When to cleanse a crystal or gemstone?
Crystals should be cleansed soon after you get one for the first time and after each time you use the stone for healing, either for yourself or healing for someone else.
Cleansing your stones is a good way to get to know them.
How to know if a stone needs cleansing?
This is something that you will come to sense. Sometimes the stones visibly look dark and mucky or they may feel dull, heavy, cloudy. Take time to observe your stones before and after you have cleansed them, see if you notice a brightness or sparkle once they have been cleansed both visually and energetically.
How to cleanse crystals & gemstones
There are many ways to clear a stone.
1. Soaking crystals in salt water. Take a glass bowl add Sea salt, how much depends on how many stones you are cleaning and how big the bowl is, for a quart size bowl 1 Tablespoon is sufficeint. Allow the stones to soak over night if possible. Some stones like Selenite, Turquoise, Opal do not like to be soaked in salt water. These softer stones will begin to dissolve in salt water, so be sure to know which stones can be placed in salt water.
3. Smudging. Use sage or incense such as frankincense, cedar or sandalwood. Hold the stones under the smoke of the sage or incense. Sage is an herb used for its purifying qualities.
4. Sound clearing, use Crystal Bowls, Tibetan bowls, Tuning forks, Gongs. Direct the vibration of the sound instrument towards the crystal.Tone the sound instrument for several minutes.
5. Moonlight and Sunlight. You can use the light of both the moon and sun to cleanse your crystals. I prefer to place my stones out under the full moon and leave them over night into the next day to charge with both moonlight, feminine energy and sunlight, masculine energy.
6. Bury them in the earth, either directly into the ground, be sure to mark your spot, or use a flower pot and potting soil. Stones like to be returned to the earth for cleansing.
7. Running them under water, either by a stream or river, or for a very simple method when you are in a hurry, just hold your stones under cold running water from your faucet.
8. Cleansing meditation- Here is a powerful yet simple mediation to use to cleanse your stone.
Place your stone in your dominate hand. Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, begin to relax. Feel the stone in your hand.
Now imagine a beam of pure white light coming from your 3d eye. Allow the beam of while light to surround your crystal. Flood your hand and the crystal with this beautiful pure white light. See the crystal completely bathed in light. See your crystal glowing in the pure white light. Once you have a sense of the crystal glowing in the light you can open your eyes and with a soft gazed look at your newly cleansed stone.
Be sure to experiment with all these different ways to cleanse gemstones and find the method that feels best to you. Have fun with it!
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