My New Favorite Way to Cleanse and Display Crystals
Cleansing crystals in Lavender flowers
Many of us are familiar with the wonderful scent of Lavender. Lavender is like a soothing breath of fresh air. The scent whether as a freshly plucked plant scenting the garden or the dried flower tops held in a sachet or the essential oil refreshing and cleansing the air, Lavender’s aroma is pleasant and purifying.
I recently order a pound of dried Lavender tops for a Chakra class I was teaching on the 3rd eye Chakra. Lavender affects the 3rd eye Chakra, helping to open and clear our Brow Chakra. I wanted to make a Lavender tea out of the flowers to share with the class. The Lavender didn’t arrive in time for the class, so I had lots left. As I breathed in the pure scent of the Lavender the idea came to me to place my crystals and stones on the flower buds to clear and purify the stones.
Lavender has long been known to have a purifying quality to it. It has antiviral, antiseptic and anti-fungal properties. It is perfect for using as a dry crystal bath. I use pure Lavender essential oil in my 3rd eye Chakra Spray, called Spirituality & Intuition. Lavender helps calm the mind and is useful for meditation, opening the doorways to the inner voice.
Do you have any Lavender flower buds in your home? Give your stones a Lavender bath!
Try putting some Lavender flowers in a class or crystal bowl, place your favorite stones on top of the flowers and breathe in the wonderful, clarifying and purifying aroma, knowing that your crystals and stones are being cleared and activated just by being in the flowers.
I like to leave my stones in the dish of Lavender flower buds and periodically breathe in the health benefits that Lavender offers.
Feel free to share your ideas and ways you use this remarkable plant.