Large Twin Crystal with perfect Diamond Window
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This is one of those special crystals that only comes around every once in a while.
It has so much going for it.
~ It’s soft glowing vibration
~Perfect diamond window
~Twin Crystal
~Re-growth on one side
~All natural & raw
Window crystals have a diamond face between the body and the crystal point.
It is believed that a diamond window crystal will open a “window to your soul” helping you to get intuitive answers to questions. They are useful for clarity and direction.
Check out the size: 7 inches long, 4 inches wide
Weighs: 1.8 oz.
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Clear Quartz is an energy amplifier. It magnifies energy.
It can be programmed to hold intention and assist in the manifestation of the focused intent.
A powerful meditation tool.
Useful as a dream stone, assisting in remembering and interpreting dreams.