angelite palm

Need a hug? Choose Angelite


Angelite as its name implies, is an angel stone.

Angelite enhances your connection to the angelic realm, your guardian angels and spirit guides.

The vibration of Angelite is like receiving a warm hug from the angelic realm. Angelite can add comfort and support in times of stress or when challenges arise. There are times in life when all we need is a gentle hug to get us moving again. A hug that tells us everything is all right.

Angelite’s message is: Open your mind to universal knowledge and welcome in love, light, and angelic energy and healing.

Angelite is a form of Blue Andydrite, a calcium sulfate mineral. It is most commonly found in Peru.
Its lovely soft, light blue/grey color emits the feeling of comfort and support.
Everything about Angelite is soft. It is considered a soft stone measuring 3-3.5 on the Mohs Hardness Scale.


How to work with Angelite to connect to your Angels

Angel Stones

Begin by holding an Angelite stone in your non dominate hand.
Take 3 long deep breaths to relax and center yourself.
Gently focus on the stone in your hand with a soft gaze. No need to over focus here, just look at the stone with an open mind. No need to judge it or describe it.
After a few minutes close your eyes with the stone still in your hand and ask a question you would like guidance with. Describe the situation you would like clarity on. After a few moments as you sit in quiet, notice what comes to you. Be aware of images, colors, sensations. When you feel ready write down what you noticed. If nothings comes trust that an answer is on the way and look for signs throughout the coming days.
Give thanks to the stone for opening the pathway to the Angelic Realm.
You may choose to sleep with the stone for the next several nights.

If you’d liked more information on how to use Angelite or other crystals and stones in your daily life contact me for a Crystal Consultation. Use this link to learn more.

To purchase Angelite Click this link to be directed to my website