Quartz Pyramid

Ring out the old, ring in the new!

crystal balls

  End of the year Crystal ritual:

I’d like to share with you one of my favorite crystal rituals for saying good bye to the outgoing year and welcoming in the new year.
I find it very helpful to spend some time reflecting on the passing year. I start by asking myself questions.

  •   What was my biggest success of the year?
  •   What was my biggest upset?
  •   What was the biggest surprise?

These kinds of questions allow me to take a good look at the positives and the negatives of the year.
As reflect back I can see things that no longer serve me, thoughts, fears, worries, disappoints that I may still be holding on to. I know that the time is now to let these thoughts go. I don’t choose to take this negativity into the new year. I can leave these fears behind and welcome in the new year with hope and renewal.

I place a quartz crystal in my hands and allow all the thoughts that no longer serve me to pass into the crystal. Placing unwanted worries, and feelings into the stone helps me to rid them from my body, mind and spirit. Once this process feels complete, (I can usually sense a feeling of relief, a lightness from within), I bury the crystal in the ground, giving it much thanks for taking all that no longer serves me.
I choose a 2nd crystal and hold it in my hands. Now I think about all the good things in my life, letting these feeling pour out into the stone. I visualize all that I would like to have, not just things, but feelings too, the wonderful feelings I get by being in nature, the creativity I feel when designing jewelry, the quiet and peace that comes from my yoga practice. I allow as much time as I need to conjure up all the things that are positive, all the things I want to welcome into the new year.

quartz point
Quartz Crystal Point

I than thank the stone for allowing me to place my energies within it. I keep this stone very close to me, near my bedside, so each day when I wake up and each night before I go to sleep, it is there as a reminder for me, holding the positive energies for me. It is also helpful to write down all the positive attributes I want to hold in the new year and place the crystal on top on my writings.
This simple ritual with the crystals lightens my burdens and uplifts me into a place of well being, a place of hope that all things are possible.

On New Years Eve I always think of the saying my Grandmother use to say, (I do not know its origins):
“Ring out the old.
Ring in the new
Ring happy bells across the snow
The year is going let it go
Ring out the false, ring in the true.

Wishing you a Happy New Year, filled with all possibilities, love, joy and abundance.

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