lithium crystal

Getting to know Lithium Crystals

I love working with stones that contain Lithium, and thank goodness there are several! You’ve heard of lithium batteries? They are used in so many devices these days. Lithium batteries contain high energy and can be made small, useful in …


Petalite Crystals


You will receive one stone from this collection. Average weight: 3-4 grams. Average length 1 inch. These raw, natural Petalite from Brazil. Petalite is an important Lithium ore and commonly occurs as colorless. Petalite can take one to a dimension of …


Lepidolite Mica Crystal


Lepidolite contains the mineral lithium which helps to bring about a feeling of all is well in the world

lepidolite, lepidolite sphere

Lepidolite Spheres


These gemstone spheres make the perfect gift for someone who is in a stressful situation

Crystal Information

CRYSTAL INFORMATION I’ve been enjoying and collecting crystals and gemstones for almost 30 years (a lot longer than that if you count my childhood fascination with rocks and minerals).  Over these years I have come to know and accept that …