Solstice has been honored since ancient times by priestesses, healers, guides and seers to awaken, activate and initiate. Solstice is a reminder of our natural rhythm, as we welcome back the light. A call back to honoring the time of …
Genuine vs Fake Moldavite
Buyer be aware! As Moldavite’s value grows, so has the market for fake counterfeits. There is a limited supply of this high vibrational gemstone. I’ve been buying and selling Moldavite for almost 30 years. In my opinion it is one …
How to Tune Into The Energy Of Aries With Carnelian
Happy Birthday Aires! We are in the energy field of energetic Aires. The Sun moved into the astrological sign of Aires on Wednesday March 20th at 11:58 am EDT. When I think of the fiery sign of Aries I think …
How to cleanse crystals & gemstones
As part of my Crystal Awareness classes I discuss the many ways to energetically cleanse crystals and gemstones. Here are the methods I use to clear crystals, along with some of the most often asked questions about this subject. Why do …
Full Moon- how to cleanse your crystals
Full moon is a great time to energetically clear and cleanse your crystals and gemstones. Clear Quartz crystals amplify whatever energies that surround them. So it is a good idea to periodically clear and cleanse them of any unwanted energy- bad moods, negative …
My New Favorite Way to Cleanse and Display Crystals
Many of us are familiar with the wonderful scent of Lavender. Lavender is like a soothing breath of fresh air. The scent whether as a freshly plucked plant scenting the garden or the dried flower tops held in a sachet …
Rhodochrosite The Gratitude Stone
Rhodochrosite is a lovely shade of pink, emitting a powerful vibration for the heart chakra. The energy current of this Stone of the Pink Ray is one of Gratitude. Gratitude brings about a feeling of peace, love and joy and …