August 2024 Full Moon Arrives August 19th.

The August Full Moon lands on Monday August 19th. It will reach peak fullness at 2:26 p.m. ET. It will be a rare Super Blue Moon, making it the perfect time to do a Full Moon Ritual with Moonstone. This …

Need a hug? Choose Angelite

Angelite as its name implies, is an angel stone. Angelite enhances your connection to the angelic realm, your guardian angels and spirit guides. The vibration of Angelite is like receiving a warm hug from the angelic realm. Angelite can add …

lithium crystal

Getting to know Lithium Crystals

I love working with stones that contain Lithium, and thank goodness there are several! You’ve heard of lithium batteries? They are used in so many devices these days. Lithium batteries contain high energy and can be made small, useful in …


Genuine vs Fake Moldavite

Buyer be aware! As Moldavite’s value grows, so has the market for fake counterfeits.  There is a limited supply of this high vibrational gemstone. I’ve been buying and selling Moldavite for almost 30 years. In my opinion it is one …

rose quartz hearts

Create a Day of Self Love This Valentine’s Day

Fall in love with yourself this Valentine’s Day and treat yourself to a special day filled with love and appreciation for YOURSELF! February is known as the month of romance. But for many who don’t have a romantic partner in …

Getting To Know Amethyst, The Birthstone For February

In my 30 plus years of selling crystals and stones I’ve found that most people are familiar with the Gemstone Amethyst. Those lucky enough to be born in February can claim Amethyst as their birthstone.    Amethyst has long been admired …

Thulite a Stone of 2021

Thulite is a rather rare gemstone that comes from a remote area of Norway. Robert Simmons, author of The Book of Stones called Thulite one of the Stones of 2021.With good reason.This stone promotes the emotion of joy. Don’t we …

rose quartz angels

Heart Chakra Meditation for Loving Yourself

Over the past week I immersed myself in heart chakra stones as part of a weekly Chakra class I’m teaching. I wanted to put together a collection of Heart Chakra stones and jewelry as part of my class for people to experience.  I took out …